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The Zendesk Benchmark: how fast-growing digital natives can innovate and scale

Enterprise companies that have already adopted digital technology face a unique set of opportunities and challenges. Often born digital, they tend to be comfortable viewing their support software as a platform that can be extended using apps, APIs, and integrations. Which is an advantage, considering the extremely high ticket volumes they handle, and their customers’ expectations of an effortless support experience.

With data from the Zendesk Benchmark, our crowdsourced index of customer service interactions from more than 45,000 companies using Zendesk across the globe, we identified what separates customer experience leaders from the rest to pinpoint recommendations for large companies that are digitally savvy and growing quickly.

We designed this guide for to help support teams that have already mastered the digital landscape—we’ll call them Digital Natives. By learning more about data-driven best practices suited to their unique profiles, these companies will come away with an understanding of key next steps and know how to benchmark against their peers.

Key findings:

B2C companies are most innovative
Digital-first B2C companies are pushing the limits of their support software, taking full advantage of an omnichannel approach, automation, and AI to manage their high volume of requests.

High Performers are masters of scale
Because of their demanding customer bases, Digital Natives see slightly lower CSAT than their peers—while handling more than five times the ticket volume.

Rely on self-service to deflect tickets
Digital Natives have twice as many articles and a median Self-Service Ratio that’s two times higher than the median for companies that are just starting the digital transformation.

Focus on reliability across the customer experience
High performers respond to customer requests six times faster and resolve tickets four times faster by leaning on advanced features and improving the agent work flow.

The Zendesk Benchmark: how fast-growing digital natives can innovate and scale